🚀Day 21 : Docker Important interview Questions.

🚀Day 21 : Docker Important interview Questions.


7 min read

This discussion provided a comprehensive overview of Docker, focusing on fundamental concepts, commands, and best practices for individuals preparing for DevOps engineer interviews, particularly those in the early stages of their careers. Key topics covered include Docker commands, strategies for reducing image size, the strategic use of Docker, its components, and the role of namespaces in ensuring container isolation.


Q1- What is the Difference between an Image, Container and Engine?

ANS- Difference between Image, Container, and Engine is:

    • Image: A Docker image is a lightweight, standalone, and executable package that includes everything needed to run a piece of software, including the code, runtime, libraries, and system tools.

      • Container: A Docker container is a running instance of a Docker image. It encapsulates an application and its dependencies, providing isolation and consistency across different environments.

      • Engine: The Docker engine is the core of Docker. It's a lightweight and portable containerisation technology that enables containers to run on a host system. It consists of a server, REST API, and a command-line interface.

Q2- What is the Difference between the Docker command COPY vs ADD?

ANS- Difference between Docker command COPY vs ADD

  • COPY: Used to copy files or directories from the host system to the container. It is a straightforward copy operation without any extraction of tarballs.

  • ADD: Similar to COPY but has additional features like automatically extracting tarballs and fetching files from URLs. Generally, COPY is preferred for simple file copying, and ADD is used for more advanced scenarios.

Q3- What is the Difference between the Docker command CMD vs RUN?

ANS- Difference between Docker command CMD vs RUN:

  • RUN: Executes commands during the build process. It is used to install packages, configure the environment, and perform any setup required for the application to run.

  • CMD: Specifies the default command to run when a container starts. It defines the application that runs in the container. CMD is overridden by providing a command at runtime.

Q4- How Will you reduce the size of the Docker image?

ANS- Reducing Docker Image Size:

  • Use multi-stage builds to discard unnecessary build artifacts.

  • Choose a minimal base image.

  • Remove unnecessary files after installation.

  • Combine RUN commands to reduce layer count.

Q5- Why and when to use Docker?


  1. Consistency: Docker ensures that your application runs the same way everywhere, from your local machine to different servers. This consistency reduces the "it works on my machine" problem.

  2. Isolation: Docker containers encapsulate your application and its dependencies. This isolation eliminates conflicts between applications and allows for better resource utilization.

  3. Scalability: Docker simplifies the process of scaling applications. You can easily run multiple instances of containers, and Docker orchestrators like Kubernetes help manage and scale these containers.

  4. Resource Efficiency: Containers share the host OS kernel, making them lightweight and efficient. They consume fewer resources compared to virtual machines.

  5. Rapid Deployment: Docker allows you to package your application and its dependencies into an image, which can be deployed quickly. This accelerates the development-to-production pipeline.


  1. Microservices Architecture: Docker is well-suited for microservices-based applications, where different components run in separate containers, communicating with each other.

  2. Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Docker is integral to CI/CD pipelines, providing a consistent environment for testing and deployment.

  3. Development Environments: Docker ensures that development environments mirror production, reducing compatibility issues between development and production environments.

  4. Multi-Platform Development: Docker containers can run on any system that supports Docker, promoting portability and easing the development process across different platforms.

  5. Isolated Testing Environments: Containers provide isolation, allowing you to create distinct testing environments for different stages of the development lifecycle.

Q6- Explain the Docker components and how they interact with each other?

ANS-Docker Daemon:

  • The Docker daemon runs on the host machine and manages Docker containers. It listens for Docker API requests and facilitates communication between the Docker CLI and the Docker API.
  1. Docker Client:

    • The Docker client is a command-line interface (CLI) or GUI tool that allows users to interact with the Docker daemon. Users issue commands to the Docker client, which then communicates with the daemon to execute tasks.
  2. Docker Images:

    • Docker images are the blueprints for containers. They include the application code, runtime, libraries, and other dependencies needed for the application to run. Images are created from Dockerfiles.
  3. Docker Containers:

    • Containers are running instances of Docker images. They encapsulate the application and its dependencies, providing a lightweight and isolated environment. Multiple containers can run on the same host without interfering with each other.
  4. Docker Registry:

    • A Docker registry is a repository for Docker images. Docker Hub is a public registry, but you can also use private registries to store and share images within your organization.
  5. Docker Compose:

    • Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It uses a YAML file to configure the services, networks, and volumes, allowing you to define complex applications and their dependencies.
  6. Dockerfile:

    • A Dockerfile is a text file that contains instructions for building a Docker image. It specifies the base image, environment settings, dependencies, and steps for preparing the image.

Q7- Explain the terminology: Docker Compose, Docker File, Docker Image, Docker Container?

ANS- Docker Components and Interaction:

  • Docker Compose: Defines multi-container applications and their dependencies.

  • Docker File: A script defining steps to create a Docker image.

  • Docker Image: A packaged, distributable unit that includes an application and its dependencies.

  • Docker Container: A runtime instance of a Docker image.

Q8- In what real scenarios have you used Docker?

ANS- Real Scenarios Using Docker:

  • Development environment consistency.

  • Microservices architecture deployment.

  • Continuous integration and deployment.

  • Isolated testing environments.

Q9- Docker vs Hypervisor?

ANS- Docker vs Hypervisor:

  • Docker uses containerization and shares the host OS, leading to better resource utilization.

  • Hypervisors create virtual machines, which are more resource-intensive.

  • Docker is generally faster and more lightweight compared to traditional hypervisors.

Q10- Docker vs Hypervisor:

  • Docker uses containerization and shares the host OS, leading to better resource utilization.

  • Hypervisors create virtual machines, which are more resource-intensive.

  • Docker is generally faster and more lightweight compared to traditional hypervisors.

Q11- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using docker?

ANS- Advantages and Disadvantages of Docker:

  • Advantages: Portability, scalability, resource efficiency, rapid deployment.

  • Disadvantages: Security concerns (if not properly configured), learning curve for beginners.

Q12- What is a Docker namespace?

ANS- Docker uses a technology called namespaces to provide the isolated workspace called the container. When you run a container, Docker creates a set of namespaces for that container. These namespaces provide a layer of isolation.

Q13- What is a Docker registry?

ANS- Docker Registry:

  • A Docker registry is a centralized repository for storing and sharing Docker images. Docker Hub is a popular public registry.

Q14- What is an entry point?

ANS- Docker Entry Point:

  • The entry point is the command or script that is run when a container starts. It defines the primary executable for the container.

Q15- How to implement CI/CD in Docker?

ANS- Implementing CI/CD in Docker:

  • Use Docker in the CI/CD pipeline to ensure consistency across development, testing, and production environments.

  • Build Docker images as part of the CI process.

  • Push images to a registry.

  • Deploy containers from these images in the CD process.

Q16- Will data on the container be lost when the docker container exits?

ANS- Data can be lost if not explicitly persisted using volumes. Volumes allow data to exist outside the container and persist even after the container exits.

Q17- What is a Docker swarm?

ANS- Docker Swarm is a native clustering and orchestration solution for Docker. It allows you to create and manage a swarm of Docker nodes.

Q18- What are the docker commands?

ANS- View running containers: docker ps

  • Run container with a specific name: docker run --name <container_name> <image>

  • Export a Docker image: docker save -o <output_file>.tar <image>

  • Import an existing Docker image: docker load -i <input_file>.tar

  • Delete a container: docker rm <container_id>

  • Remove all stopped containers, unused networks, build caches, and dangling images: docker system prune -a

Q19- What are the common docker practices to reduce the size of Docker Image?

ANS- Common Practices to Reduce Docker Image Size:

  • Use multi-stage builds.

  • Choose a minimal base image.

  • Minimize the number of layers.

  • Remove unnecessary files.

  • Optimize RUN commands for efficiency.

Conclusion: Docker stands as a pivotal technology in modern software development and DevOps. Its consistency, isolation, and scalability benefits make it integral for various scenarios. Whether a seasoned professional or a fresher, mastering Docker concepts is crucial for building efficient and scalable applications. This overview serves as a valuable resource for interview preparation and enhancing proficiency in Docker, enabling professionals to contribute effectively to contemporary software development practices.